Personal Training In Eastbourne
Fitbot Personal Training Sessions in Eastbourne can be suitable for a wide range of abilities and ages. Our client base in Eastbourne ranges from Mid 20’s through to 80 years of age. We specialise in Weight loss and Toning through to Sports Specific and Strength Training.
Indoor Personal Training Sessions in Eastbourne
We have exclusive use of the Phoenix Boxing Gym during the day. The brand new gym has all the equipment needed to deliver highly effective Personal Training Sessions, including weights, resistance bands, weight benches, numerous punch bags, treadmill, rowers and two rings! There are no other Gym goers in the gym when we deliver our 1 on 1 sessions, so plenty of space to get a sweat up and no waiting for equipment.
Fitbot Personal Training in the Phoenix is centrally located so really easy to fit training around busy schedules.
Outdoor Personal Training Sessions in Eastborne
When not Personal training in the Phoenix we are in the great outdoors. Personal Training Sessions in Eastbourne are amongst the best in terms of Location possibilities. There are many pieces of research that suggest training outside has a tremendously positive effect on mood and attitude, meaning your approach to your Session is a positive one… turn leading to a positive outcome! You won’t hear us shouting and bawling along the seafront, that’s not our approach. We’re focused on getting the best for you out of the PT Session by education and encouragement, not by barking orders at you! The quality of your workouts matter to us more than the quantity.
If you live in around Eastbourne we would be happy to come and visit you, pretty much anytime of the day.
Our Personal Training Sessions in Eastbourne are exactly as the name suggests….Personal! We don’t deliver off the shelf solutions. Your session will be completely unique to you, no program is the same because we haven’t met any two clients, yet, that have identical goals as each other. After an initial Consultation your programme will develop and change according to your progress. Gym goers typically stick with the same programme for months, this will lead to you reaching a plateau that you can’t break through. Research states that the body needs to be surprised on a regular basis in order for it to to re-act and change, that’s why our sessions are always different….it also keeps your interest and motivation up.
If you’re keen on changing your body, improving your performance, or lifting your general well-being to a higher level, get in touch for a FREE consultation, we’d be happy to talk through your goals and aspirations.
Contact Details
142 Langney Rd, Eastbourne, BN22 8AQ, 01323 354997